To join the SAVE plan you need to move your phone number from the consumer side to the corporate account of the buying group manager Sydian Group. Please call into Rogers Business Support 1-877-274-3375 and say Please place a note on my line stating that Sydian Group is taking over ownership of all the lines on my account and please remove any sharing plans on this (these) line(s). Rogers provides a confirmation number while you are on the phone. Please make sure this is an Interaction ID and starts with an I.
NOTE: When there is more than one line in the account and you are not transferring all the lines please ask Rogers Business Support to make one of the remaining lines the primary line for the account. Likewise if there is a data sharing plan with lines in the account and you are not transferring all the lines please ask Rogers Business Support to remove the data sharing from the line being transferred. Otherwise the transfer request will be denied until these items have been authorized.
You continue to have full control over your phone number and may request to have it transferred or released at any time by contacting Sydian.
If there are any issues please contact the buying group manager Sydian Group at 416 238 1444 or [email protected]